Even today, many people may not know that Lord Hanuman had brothers. Lord Hanuman followed celibacy all his life and remained engaged in the service of Lord Rama. Everyone knows about Hanuman, but very little information is available about his brothers. Lord Hanuman, who is considered a symbol of devotion and bravery, was the eldest among his brothers. His family is mentioned in 'Brahmandapurana', where the names of his brothers and their lives are described. The names of Hanuman's other brothers are - Matiman, Shrutiman, Ketuman, Gatiman and Dhritiman. All his brothers were married and were blessed with children, while Hanuman followed celibacy all his life and dedicated his life to service and devotion.
According to 'Brahmandapurana', Kesari accepted Kunjar's beautiful daughter Anjana as his wife. Hanumanji was born from Anjana's womb as a blessing from Vayudev. It is also believed that Hanumanji was born from the essence of the life-giving air, which is the basis of his unique strength and energy.
All the brothers of Hanumanji lived married lives and followed worldly responsibilities. In contrast, Hanumanji made the service and devotion of Lord Rama his life's mission. The names of his family members reflect his qualities, such as Matiman (wise), Shrutiman (knowledgeable), Ketuman (symbol of pride), Gatiman (always progressive) and Dhritiman (patient).
The story of Hanumanji and his life will always be inspiring for his unique qualities, indomitable devotion and great deeds. His family and his birth story help in understanding his glory in Indian mythological literature in more depth.