In the vast treasury of Sanskrit mantras, the chant "Swastika Mantra" stands as a powerful invocation for peace, blessings, and harmony. swasti = su + asti = well being. Each verse within this mantra offers a prayer for protection, guidance, and harmony, concluding with the universal symbol of peace. The act of reciting Swasti Mantra is called 'Swastivachan'.
Om svasti na indrō vr̥d'dhaśravāḥ.
Svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavēdāḥ.
Svasti nastārkṣyō ariṣṭanēmiḥ.
Svasti nō br̥haspatirdadhātu.
'Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ.
English Translation
May Indra, of great fame, bestow well-being upon us. May Pushan, the knower of all, bestow well-being upon us. May Tarkshya, the swift falcon, bestow well-being upon us. May Brihaspati, the bestower of wisdom, bestow well-being upon us.
"ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः"
This verse invokes blessings and peace, particularly directed towards Indra, the ancient Vedic god associated with thunder, rain, and strength. The term "वृद्धश्रवाः" (vṛddhaśravāḥ) can be translated as "of vast renown" or "of great fame," signifying the desire for the bestowal of prosperity, courage, and honor.
"स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः।"
This verse seeks blessings from Pūṣā, often associated with the Sun and the nourisher of all. Pūṣā is invoked as the one who knows all and provides sustenance to the universe. The prayer expresses the aspiration for knowledge, enlightenment, and the abundance necessary to sustain life.
"स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः।"
Here, the prayer turns to Tārksya (Garuda), the divine eagle and mount of Lord Vishnu, who is known for his speed and swiftness. The term "अरिष्टनेमिः" (ariṣṭanemiḥ) may refer to his mighty wings or his ability to swiftly navigate across the skies. The mantra seeks protection from obstacles and adversities, aspiring for a life free from harm.
"स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु"
This verse calls upon Bṛhaspati, the guru (spiritual teacher) of the gods in Hindu mythology, associated with wisdom, knowledge, and guidance. The prayer requests his benevolent bestowal of wisdom, understanding, and spiritual enlightenment.
Swastik mantra is chanted at the time of house construction. Swastika mantra is recited at the beginning of the journey. This makes the journey successful and safe. Swastik mantra is considered very important on the birth of a son. This keeps the child healthy, increases its lifespan and inculcates good qualities in it. At the time of sowing seeds in the field, the mantra is recited that electricity should not harm this grain, there should be a lot of progress in the grain and no worm should affect the crop. Swastik mantra is also used for the prosperity of animals, so that no disease spreads in them.
The mantra concludes with the powerful universal sound, Om Shanti Shanti Shanti, repeated thrice. This invocation for peace resonates through the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. It encapsulates the desire for tranquility, harmony, and the absence of disturbances.
Chanting this mantra with sincerity brings forth an aura of peace, protection, and blessings. It encapsulates the timeless prayer for well-being, knowledge, and harmony with the universe. By meditating on its meanings, we align ourselves with the age-old wisdom of the Vedic tradition, seeking peace not just for ourselves but for all living beings, ultimately contributing to a more harmonious and peaceful world.