This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 6, Verse 45. It is written in Sanskrit and translates to English as follows:
prayatnād yatamānas tu yogī sanśhuddha-kilbiṣhaḥ
aneka-janma-sansiddhas tato yāti parāṁ gatim || 45 ||
"A yogi who makes continuous efforts is cleansed of his sins. After many lifetimes of sadhana and attainment of siddhi, he finally attains the ultimate salvation (moksha)."
Explanation in detail:
In this verse, Lord Krishna is explaining to Arjuna that the path of spirituality and yoga is the path of constant effort and patience.
Continuous effort is necessary:
Siddhi of many lifetimes:
Attainment of the ultimate salvation:
Prayatnāt - Through effort.
Yatamānaḥ - Striving, making continuous efforts.
Tu - But, really.
Yogi - A seeker, one who practices meditation and self-realization.
Saṁśuddha - Completely pure, pure.
Kilbiṣaḥ - Sin, fault, impurity.
Aneka-Janma - Of many births (of many births).
Saṁsiddhaḥ - One who attains perfection, one who attains Siddhi.
Tataḥ - Then, after that.
Yāti - Reaches.
Paraṁ Gatim - Param Gati, Moksha, Param Siddhi.