Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Shri Krishna, is a festival in the Hindu religion celebrated with great enthusiasm in India and all over the world. Six days after this unique birth anniversary, another important festival takes place which is celebrated as Lord Shri Krishna Chhati.
In 2025, Janmashtami will be celebrated on 15 August 2025 across the country. Therefore, in 2025, Shri Krishna's Chatthi will be celebrated on 21 August 2025 Thursday. Shri Krishna Janmashtami in 2025 is on 15 August. Ashtami Tithi starts from 09:50 and ends on 15 August at 09:34 pm. According to Hindu date, Ashtami Tithi is on 16 August 2025. But Lord Shri Krishna was born on the midnight of Ashtami Tithi, hence Shri Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on 15th August.
The sixth is the celebration of the arrival of Shri Krishna which is important in Indian culture. According to Hindu beliefs, Chhati is celebrated 6 days after the birth of a child in a house. It is believed that worshiping Goddess Shashthi on this day keeps the child in good health. Shashthi Devi is considered to be the presiding deity of children. By his grace the dead son of King Priyavrata was revived. For this reason, Chhati Puja is performed six days after the birth of the child.
In the celebration of Chhati, people decorate their homes with incense, lamps, and flowers to fill them with purity of soul. Special worship and worship is also done in temples.
On the occasion of Chhati, Lord Shri Krishna is worshipped, along with his images, idols, and worship materials.
Sixth, the celebration of the arrival of Lord Shri Krishna is important, which is celebrated six days after his birth. This festival is an opportunity to reflect the childhood image of the Lord and His unique divine qualities, which opens interesting doors towards His immortal childhood pastimes and His unique knowledge. It is a festival that not only honors a beloved deity but also promotes love and unity among those who participate in its celebrations.
Shri Krishna's Chhathi will be celebrated on Thursday, 21 August 2025.